About Emphasis Electricals & Hardware
We are a cohesive team of young and energetic people for Electrical trading Works backed with rich and varied experience of more than 10 years in the field. For the last 8 years we have been associated with reputed Architects and Consultants for various types of electrical segment of projects ranging from big corporate offices, 5 Star Hotels, restaurants, housing & commercial complexes, Schools, Training Institutes both for Electrical SUPPLY OF Cable, Electrical Fittings, Street Lighting, WIRES, MCBS, DBS,cabletrays,raceways,cat-6,cat-5,conduits etc. By virtue of our experience over the last 8 years in Electrical & Constructional field we visualize even the minutest details of the project with regard to future consequences in view of likely technological developments/innovations and also keeping in mind the future needs and requirement to accommodate expansions vis-à-vis efficient utilization of electricity. We provide to our clientele the requisite information regarding our job at one point. Having been associated with most prominent architects, consultants, leading experts and project management companies in this sphere of Activities we are in a sound position to assist our clients with practical and seasoned ideas, solutions & designs.

We have at our command highly skilled, disciplined, punctual, responsible & well-mannered Staff. We are committed to mutual trust. Integrity, creativity and dedication to work are our guiding principles. Our endeavor has all Along been to ensure high quality and timely services with least time and cost over runs. We are aggressive competitors and strive every nerve to compete in Cost and services.

We repose our sincere faith in your superior judgment and wish to be of service to your esteemed organization.
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Raceway Cable Tray
Skytone Cables
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